When you see a bug inside your home, most people either want to k-ill it or throw it outside. But, did you know there is one insect that you probably should keep inside your home that can actually help keep your house clear of other insects?
Meet the insect Scutigera coleoptrata, more commonly known as the house centipede. These insects may look extremely intimidating and creepy to most people, but they do plenty of good inside your home.

House Centipedes: Creepy but Kinda Cool
House centipede has 15 pairs of legs, two well-developed eyes, and two long sensitive antennae to pick up smells and vibrations. It carries venom in the legs located by the head and near the mouth. And it can hold more than one prey in its legs using them like a lasso.
These leggy sprinters are experts in pest control. They’re just trying to keep bugs out of your home, so the next time you see this little monster in your home, DO NOT K-ILL IT, spare it a shriek-it’s just doing its job!
While you sleep, it’s saving you from spiders, cockroaches, and ants. Think of them as your chemical-free exterminators. House centipedes are absolutely harmless to people, despite their gross appearance.
How You Can Help House Centipedes.
Want to keep these pest-fighting allies around? Here’s what you can do:
- Avoid bug sprays. These would kill off any centipede alongside the pests they devour.
- Provide hiding places. They want snug places, even in clean areas.
- Don’t squish them. If they aren’t bothering you, just let them alone. If they need to be, relocate them.
Source: brightside.me; abc27.com